sábado visitaremos en Longchamps a Lomas Athletic por la un décima
fecha del Top 12. Hasta el momento el Marrón marcha en la 2º posición con
35 unidades detrás de los punteros San Luis y Alumni que tienen 36, mientras
que Lomas está último con apenas 3 puntos y los 10 partidos perdidos.
Pero antes
de entrar en los fríos números de las estadísticas quiero resaltar que la
vinculación entre Lomas y Belgrano es entrañable y se remonta a fines del siglo
XIX dado que ambos clubes participaron de manera conjunta en la
fundación de varias asociaciones deportivas. Al mismo tiempo la rivalidad
deportiva no solamente existe en el rugby sino también
en Bowls, Cricket, Hockey y Tenis.
Es por
ello que vamos a compartir y conocer sobre la historia de nuestro rival,
y para ello he acudido a la página web de Lomas para sacar la
información, y como no podía ser de otra manera la transcribiré en su idioma de
origen, el inglés.
“The club was founded in March, 1891, by
pupils and former pupils of the Lomas Academy, but changed its name to the
present one two years later. The founding committee were Thomas Dodds -its
president for the first three years - James Gibson, John Cowes, R. I.
Goodfellow, T. M. Lees and W. W. Hayward and a few of of these sumarnes are
still prorninent at the club today.
The sports played at the club, are rugby,
field hockey, golf, tennis, cricket and bowls and Lomas AC were among the
founding members of the associations of all these sports with the slight
exception of field hockey which the men joined two years after the first
championship was played in 1908 and the women played in the first women's
championship in 1924 under the name of Diamonds. But when the club was founded
in 1891, cricket, rugby and soccer were the sports practiced and it is not
generally realized that Lomas AC had the country's first great soccer team.
In 1893, the Association Argentine Football
League was formed to organize the first official championship that year with
six teams, mostly made up of members from the British Comminity with Lomas AC
winning the first title followed by five more in a row. During that time -until
1898 -they were practically uIibeatable as they won 46 of their 60 matches;
drawing 11 and losing only three during those six years, according to officia1
records (although the book shows a 47-9-4 record).
Later rugby became the most popular sport at
the club and this gradually weakened the soccer team. While they continued
playing in the championship for another 11 years, they frequent1y finished in
low positions as the opposition was a1so getting stronger with more Argentines
taking up soccer. After finishing bottom of the 10-team league in 1909
with a 1-6-11 record, their last appearance was in the first round of the Copa
Competencia knock-out in which Estudiantes (Buenos Aires) beat them by 18-0
...a sad end to great team tradition.
Lomas won the first rugby championship in
1899, their only title so far but after struggling in lower divisions for a
number of years, they are now a prominent first division team with Pablo
Gomez Cora representing Argentina at highest level and his brother Santiago who
is the international all time sevens try scorer.
They have been prominet in cricket right from
the association's formation in 1913, although as mentioned, they played the
game long before that and 13 of its members have represented Argentina.
The club organized the first womens open
championship in the country in 1895 at their course in Links while leading
Argentine golfer Jose Jurado was the pro there and represented the club,
winning the Argentine Open seven times between 1920 and 1931.
Lomas has always been prominent among the
five c1ubs playing bowls, all in Buenos Aires, and six of its men and women
players have played in world championships.
But it is field hockey currently bringing the
club the most success. While having teams in both the men's and women's
Metropolitan first divisions, it is the women who are current champions and
who, after taking their first title in 1938, have won other 16 since 1977 which
left with nelghbours Qullmes AC as leading title winners.
An interesting note is that F. H.
Cheva1lier-Boutell, its third president, held the post for 24 years (1894-1918)
and on the whole, there have been few changes. Robin Stuart held the position
for 12 years, John C. Rodman for 20 and Alberto Echeverria, the first criollo,
in 1974, for 10. Patrick Campbe1l is the current president. This indicates a
certain settled atmosphere”
Ahora sí,
como es costumbre les propongo compartir una serie de datos estadísticos de los
partidos disputados entre ambos clubes recordándoles que las estadísticas
comprenden los partidos disputados a partir del año 1952 y que
solamente contemplan los datos referidos a los jugadores de Belgrano.
Si bien se
trata de dos de los clubes fundadores de la Unión Argentina de Rugby, no
existen muchos partidos oficiales en Primera División entre ambos equipos desde
1952 a la fecha, podemos decir que en ese período se disputaron 25
encuentros con 16 victorias para Belgrano, 1 empate y 8 victorias para Lomas,
utilizando el BAC 131 jugadores y convirtiendo el
Marrón 74 tries, 50 conversiones, 52 penales y 2 drops, dando un total
de 632 tantos a favor y sufriendo 500 en contra,
siendo el resultado promedio a favor de Belgrano de 25 a 20.
Jugando Belgrano en
calidad de visitante se disputaron 12 encuentros con 5
victorias del BAC y 7 triunfos para Lomas, convirtiendo Belgrano 296 tantos
y recibiendo 294.
El Tryman
histórico de Belgrano es Alejandro Galli con 6
anotaciones en 15 partidos; el Goleador histórico es Agustín
Lopez Isnardi con 99 tantos producto de 3 tries, 15 conversiones y 18
penales en 12 partidos disputados; los máximos goleadores en un partido son Sebastián
Fossati con 20 tantos (6 penales y 1 conversión) en el partido jugado
de visitante el 19/7/03 cuando vencimos por 30
a 12 y Agustín Lopez Isnardi (1 try, 3 conversiones y
3 penales) convertidos el 28/7/12 cuando los goleamos en Pino por 40 a10; el
Oso Alejandro Galli con 15 partidos disputados es el jugador
con mayor número de presencias en este duelo por parte de
La mejor
racha de victorias de Belgrano se produjo a partir del año
2006 hasta el 2014 logrando 11 victorias consecutivas,
mientras que la mejor racha positiva de Lomas sobre el BAC es
de sólo 2 victorias consecutivas logradas en dos
oportunidades entre los años 1996/1998 y 2004/2005, en todos los
casos Lomas jugó de local.
Una particularidad
para resaltar es que de los últimos 10 partidos, 9 de ellos se jugaron en
Virrey del Pino (todos ganados por Belgrano) mientras que el último
enfrentamiento fue el 1/8/15 cuando
nos vencieron en su cancha por 22 a 10
como dato estadístico vinculado a la actualidad podemos decir que la Morsa
Espinal debutó en la Primera del club enfrentando a Lomas en Virrey del Pino el
28/7/12 ingresando desde el banco de suplentes en reemplazo de Carlos Bence a
los 28 minutos del segundo tiempo, coincidiendo ese partido con el último
encuentro jugado por Lisandro Arbizu con la camiseta del Marrón.
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